Marcelo Schneider's blog from the US Living Letters visit

The Living Letters blogs are written to share about visits to specific countries or regions around the world, organized by the World Council of Churches (WCC) Decade to Overcome Violence initiative along with assistance from local coordinators, churches and other organizations. The Living Letters blogs are personal narratives from members of the "Living Letters" team and do not necessarily represent the opinion or policies of the World Council of Churches.

Abyssinian Baptist Church (The Harlem, NYC)

"One cannot go out from the Sunday morning service at the Abyssinian Church with the same heart that one was carrying at the entrance door". This was my first reaction when we started to talk among us about the impact of those nearly two hours in our lives.                                                     

From the expressive role that is given to the elderly of this congregation, who has the responsibility to share the eucharistic elements to those present in the Harlem's most famous church and express in their eyes the committment, the respect and the honour for such a task, to the magnificent gospel choir that pulled tears from our eyes in several moments, the experience of being part of this service worked as a common blessing on our meetings to come in the next days.

Posted By: Marcelo on Sep 17, 2007 05:06AM